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22nd October 2024 
<FONT COLOR=blue>David Blass </FONT >        <small>07761977834 </small>. db

David Blass PhD, Dip Analyt Psych



My work is based on the methods and insights of the psychologist CG Jung.

I help people with anxiety and depression and with all kinds of confusion and distress. I can be of help with post-traumatic disturbances and with relationship and sexual problems. The sort of therapy that I practice is also appropriate for occupational and vocational crises and issues.

Many, perhaps most people experience psychological distress during their lives. Sometimes this due to a difficult or traumatic childhood, trauma in later life or the difficulties and pressures of everyday living, working and relationships.

The Jungian approach can be very helpful in the treatment of anxiety, depression, inferiority feelings and relationship difficulties. It can also help those who have trouble with work or motivation, or who are finding that their life has lost its meaning or vitality. It can help us to connect with the deeper parts of our nature - often obscured or side-lined among the stresses and anxieties of our life.

The therapeutic process involves bringing to consciousness the unconscious aspects of a person’s problems. One of the main ways of doing this by is the analysis of dreams, and the use of creative imagination and visualisation.

As in any form of psychotherapy, it is also important to look at the story of a person's life, and how this affects their relationship with their sexuality, partners, work and leisure. In addition to this, for some people, a spiritual or religious dimension comes into the picture as well.

Helping a person explore their inner issues needs to be done in a compassionate and sympathetic way. The individual remains of foremost importance: they are a person and not a case.

I have a diploma in analytical psychology from the Independent Group of Analytical Psychologists (IGAP) and I am a member of the International Association of Analytical Psychologists (IAAP).
I am registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).

To book an initial appointment


or to email me click here

Some interesting quotes from CG Jung

In "The Spiritual problem of Modern Man" Jung writes of :

". . . .the mysterious truth that the spirit is the life of the body seen from within, and the body the outward manifestation of the life of the spirit - the two being really one . . ."

It seems to me that Jungian psychotherapy is partly directed towards some experience of this unity.

Elsewhere Jung writes of the changes that have taken place in our inner, psychic, situation as a consequence of our social and genetic evolution:

"..but since we have a body it is indispensable that we exist also as an animal, and each time we invent a new increase of consciousness we have to put a new link in the chain that binds us to the animal, till finally it will become so long that complications will surely ensue."

A great deal of psychotherapy might be seen as an attempt to redress such complications. One could imagine that it is the length of the chain, in we humans, that can make us so susceptible to the vagaries and hazards of our upbringing and life experience.

Both Jung and Freud considered the study of dreams to be a vital part of their therapeutic approach. However Jung, unlike Freud, did not think that dreams purposely concealed their meaning:

"Dreams are neither deliberate nor arbitrary fabrications; they are natural phenomena which are nothing other than what they pretend to be. They do not deceive, they do not lie, they do not distort or disguise. . . . They are invariably seeking to express something that the ego does not know and does not understand".

But we can look at our dreams, and take them seriously, and begin to try to get some knowledge and understanding of that part of ourselves which is expressing itself through them. This engagement can very much increase our understanding of ourselves. It can also help to restore a living contact with the deeper parts of our nature - often dimmed out or sidelined among the stresses and anxieties of our life.